Having one day-off because of the wisdom teeth op yesterday, yet still have logged in the work pc and checked Emails and schedules for next week for trying to be a quasi workaholic 😉
I have started the book Nothing to Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Korea for a while already, today moving forward. It was written by american journalist Barbara Demick, who has reported extensively the North Korean refugees and defectors.
It goes slowly today actually since I have searched so many relevant stories and documentaries online, to have a more concrete impression and to feel the feelings in a closer way.
In 2012, Chinese media have surprisingly post and reported a real story about North Korean defector family, who broke through the Japanese embassy in Shenyang, China for political asylum 10 years ago. This showed that the attitude of China to North Korean refugees had turned into a brighter or more humanistic way. (link: http://bbs.tianya.cn/post-no04-1918321-1.shtml)
I watched Joseph Kim’s TED talk. The white audiences were so touched and were giving standing ovation. To be honest, many times I am still confused by the motivation of spreading, obeying human rights, and sometimes, controlling others’ life for an observance. I didn’t say it is a wrong thing. I can not deny that lots of people are helping based on moral principles or because of a bigger word LOVE. But LOVE is too big. Does political correctness lead to love? or does love lead to political correctness? Or there’s nothing, people just do it because it is something correct. But who has ever really defined correctness?
Someone would say I am too naive. No correctness, no rules. I have then to sadly admit that there are the rules in utopia world.