Category Archives: 如戏人生

soap water

He was like sparkling bubbles, being stared from Michelangelo Square, mixed with the humid yet dry smell of Arno river, with sober yet drunk taste of blushing alcohol, floating over the red cupola of Florence Cathedral in either dark morning or dazzling night.

Bubbles broke. It became in the end soap water.

Shining soap water, but just soap water.


Because of knee injury while hiking I have been on sick leave for one week already.

I limped last night in the rain to the pizza imbiss downstairs, only for a cola which costs 2,5 euro for 1L. My neighbor who was having cigarette break at the entrance had to hold the door for me. It was not the first time I did so – cannot help myself buy a bottle of cold cola at late night only to solve my thirst problem in an optimal way.

My friends can’t understand why I’m so obsessed to cola. The same as most of them do not understand why I am so obsessed to a certain of life style.

It’s maybe, I assume, just because like opium in cola or opium in the air of freedom.

showing off

When I think, that people argue bullshit everyday to suffer another eight hours in order to make some money, which is not really equivalent to how much they’ve pushed the civilization forward, then to squander those money into something, which pathetically mankind cannot enjoy naturally because they are mankind, for example, following the lane back and forth in swimming pools, or moving Z-shaped to the mountain top, to use the sticks poke the soil and show off that they love nature. But nature is just there. It does not love back. It does not care. When would human beings don’t care and stop showing off?

The song at the boundary

I’m comin’ home, I’ve done my time
Now I’ve got to know what is and isn’t mine
If you received my letter telling you I’d soon be free
Then you’ll know just what to do if you still want me
If you still want me

Whoa, tie a yellow ribbon ’round the old oak tree
It’s been three long years, do you still want me? (still want me)
If I don’t see a ribbon ’round the old oak tree
I’ll stay on the bus, forget about us, put the blame on me
If I don’t see a yellow ribbon ’round the old oak tree

Bus driver, please look for me
‘Cause I couldn’t bear to see what I might see
I’m really still in prison and my love, she holds the key
A simple yellow ribbon’s what I need to set me free
I wrote and told her please

Whoa, tie a yellow ribbon ’round the old oak tree
It’s been three long years, do you still want me? (still want me)
If I don’t see a ribbon ’round the old oak tree
I’ll stay on the bus, forget about us, put the blame on me
If I don’t see a yellow ribbon ’round the old oak tree

Now the whole damn bus is cheerin’ and I can’t believe I see

A hundred yellow ribbons ’round the old oak tree
I’m comin’ home, umm-hmm

(Tie a ribbon ’round the old oak tree)
(Tie a ribbon ’round the old oak tree)
(Tie a ribbon ’round the old oak tree)
(Tie a ribbon ’round the old oak tree)

(Tie a ribbon ’round the old oak tree)
(Tie a ribbon ’round the old oak tree)
(Tie a ribbon ’round the old oak tree)
(Tie a ribbon ’round the old oak tree)









我搬离马赛之前的那个晚上,我们故作轻松发信息。谁知道其实他就在外面阳台上抽烟。我看到他后说 挺冷的,你回家吧。他说好。


一边享受 一边泪流



周六一早在比上班略晚的一点的起床时间醒来(7点多一点),睡了个迷迷瞪瞪的回笼觉。睡到实在睡不着的时候,起床,洗澡。打开音乐,是California Dreaming。






开网 久更博客


可是在周五的晚上10点钟,这位1und1公司的技术接线员接待一个把路由器设置错误、说着笨拙的德语、因为已经没有网一个月之久而变得火急火燎的我的时候,当他十分耐心一步一步引导我排除故障并重新设置设备的时候,当最后一步完成他让我随便点个网页看是否有网的时候,当我在电话里欢快的跟他说太好了终于有网了的时候,他说:Das ist was ich hören will!!!




今天在卡鲁市的Agentur für Arbeit 注册了。拿到个证明,等到这个学期结束不再是学生的时候,就正式成为一名“失业者”。回到德国之后自己办理各种事物,身份的转变,延签证,问保险,再去跑这样的预约,努力用德语沟通,虽然现在工作还看不到希望,但是一切都井井有条,也终于开始认真自学德语。

想到以后人家问:“Was machst du beruflich?” 的时候,可以光明正大地说:“arbeitslos” 也是件没什么丢脸的事儿呢。

I have a Yufka


I’ve just read an article from BBC. This job looks so promising but still competitive. 😀


Actually today there was a new idea about “the job that you’d like to do” popped up when I was in the queue waiting for purchasing a Yufka, which cost me 2,50 euro.

Which is, i would like to be a Dönnerfleisch fleshing gal. <– the person who uses that kind of machine to flesh Dönnerfleisch out of that machine which is sticking with a stick of Dönnerfleisch.


I don’t think it’s an easy job.